What Is Truth? / by Dale Decker

Sanctify them in truth; your word is truth.
— Jesus of Nazareth

You know, I have the feeling I’m being lied to a lot these days. From misinformation and half-truths to outright deception and falsehoods, “shaping the narrative” has become synonymous with “bearing false witness”. However, while I may not always be able to sort truth from falsehood in the moment, I have a lodestone that will put me on the right path time and time again - God’s Word.

To sanctify something is to set it apart for special usage. Jesus is praying to his Father and asking him to set his people apart by means of the truth of his Word. As we abide in God’s truth, so we will not be abiding in the untruths of this world that we are told through so many means. In Christ we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and have been given all things pertaining to life and godliness; therefore, let us walk in truth.